The Matrix of Destiny

Privacy Policy

The Gathering of Data

We collect only the essential artifacts of your identity: email, name, and date of birth, to tailor your journey through The Matrix of Destiny.

Usage of Data

Your data is a sacred trust, used solely for the arts of marketing and enhancing your experience amongst our digital tomes and teachings.

Data Sharing

Fear not, for we do not consort with third parties to trade your data. Your secrets are safe within the confines of The Matrix of Destiny.

Protection of Data

While we're still devising the ultimate spells of protection, rest assured that we are committed to safeguarding your personal data with the industry's best practices.

Cookies and Tracking

Like arcane sigils, cookies and tracking technologies are used to remember your preferences and capture the saga of your explorations through our realm.

Your Rights

You wield the power to request data deletion by sending a raven—or an email—to

International Data Transfers

Your data may traverse the globe as it resides on international servers, but we vow to protect it as if it were our own trove of mystical lore.

Regulatory Compliance

We strive to honor the spirits of data protection laws like GDPR, ensuring our practices meet the high standards of privacy and security.

Policy Updates

Should the winds of change bring updates to our policy, we'll alert you via email and a conspicuous omen on our website.

Contact Information

For inquiries into the arcane matters of privacy, you may contact the digital caretaker at